Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Give me your tired, your poor.

I tried to go to the Statue of Liberty yesterday. The last ferry ran at 3:30. Showing up ten minutes prior left me persona non grata. Hey, it was a practice run.

But I made it today. Again, a little late so I could only visit either the Statue of Liberty or Ellis Island. I realize the statue is just a statue, but Ellis Island wasn't a hard pull for me because, honestly, few of my ancestors went through there. The only Euro folks of mine that might have gone through there (need to confirm with the woman in the know, mi madre) would have been my Danish side that came to the US in...mmmn....1898? So, long story short, I chose to only visit the statue. And after about ten minutes, I was like 'yep, saw it' so it was queue queue queue for the ferry back.
Manhattan in the background, coming in on the ferry.
Prime posing area.
A million tourists can't be wrong, so I posed away.
Looking out toward Brooklyn Bridge (out on the horizon).


EcoGrrl said...

sweet dude. digging the b/w.

Corinne said...

I had a 36 hour layover in NYC with a couple of girlfriends. We didn't even make it out to Ellis Island, just peered at the statue from Manhattan and commented to each other, "Sure looks a lot bigger on TV!" We are fabulous slackers like that. Great pictures!

(The captcha for this is "nonepook." That seems like an all-too-adorable New Yorkey town name.)

Sarah said...

Yeah, Corinne, really my favorite thing to do in cities is just walk around and stop at little shops or restos or watering holes. So even I am surprised with the touristy things I've been doing as of late.

Thanks, eco! :)