Monday, November 28, 2011

Rum'ing before lunch.

When I'd hear about Australian rum, all I could think was rot gut- I mean, do they even grow sugar in Australia? (Yes, they do.) The most well known (and perhaps the tastiest) rum in Australia is Bundaberg. I was in town and decided to check out the distillery. Pictures aren't allowed during the distillery tour (the coolest pics, in my opinion, would have been the enormous American oak aging barrels- vats, really) so my pictures are limited to the tasting business at the conclusion. And I didn't take pictures of the outside of the distillery or the neighboring sugar refinery because, frankly, it just looks like a smoking, churning industrial site.
They let me serve myself. (Not really.) 
Not a big rum fan myself, I opted for the rum liqueur which is only available here on site. Fabulous on the rocks. Sort of like Kahlua but less syrupy.


Rusty said...

What's the deal with the polar bear logo?

Sarah said...

Keen eye! A marketing deal in the winter of 1961- something about Bundaberg being able to remove even the harshest winter chill....then the polar bear stuck.

jaymo said...

I think Bundy is an acquired taste...and I didn't acquire it. Should've tried the liqueur I guess!