I tried to check in to the nice hostel. The one that's in the historic building. I did. I really did.
But the only room they had was a double and it was 80 bucks. And, frankly, that's outta my (self imposed) budget. So I went to the other hostel. The dodgy one. The party hostel. The one that makes you want to holler "SPRING BREAK, WOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" And it's attached to the "hottest club in Noosa Heads." Greeeeeat.
Oh, yes, my hostel has a wet t-shirt contest AND a wet jock contest. Alas, that's on Monday and I won't be here, or I would sooooo be there. (Observer, folks.) |
To top it off, I did not realize that my 8-man dorm room was coed until I walked in to find a shirtless, vagabondish German manboy texting his chicas while his hot water swilling countryladies took leisurely 30 minute showers thus denying me the chance to see the town's Christmas tree lighting.
But here's the tree. A normal deciduous tree in drag as an evergreen. |
Personally, I prefer the routine palm tree decoration. |
But the night was young and I headed 'downtown' which meant at the second or third roundabout. I went into a jazzy, breezy, Hawaii-ish resto called Rococo's. I sat down, ordered a gin and tonic and went to pay when the gentleman next to me told the bartender, by name, that my drink was on him. Nice! A distinguished Scottish man, eerily reminiscent of a paunchy Tommy Lee Jones but one who speaks in a dialect I cannot understand. He proceeded to order a couple of bottles of champagne. Long story short, this man was obliterated, told me AT LEAST 115 times that he was "very real" and proceeded to shake my hand a lot, turning into kissing my hand, and eventually licking my knuckles. When he licked my ear, I decided it was best that I skidaddle.
So now I am back at SPRING BREAK WOOOOOO hostel and loving their unlimited wifi. I hope there are no weird German shenanigans in the room tonight.
EDIT (26NOV): The two German girls left. The German manboy is actually Swiss. There are two Canadian brothers, and two Brit girls. There is no air conditioning. But no German shenanigans so all is good.
Dude. Wow. Hmph! NEXT TOWN! :)u
In case you couldn't tell, I PUI'd (posted under the influence). Actually, I'm staying here another day. The forecast is sun. The hostel is surprisingly quiet despite the hostel management's efforts to market it as a party place. And my roommates all came in after I was asleep and were completely courteous and quiet. No Rococo's for me today though. But I am doing a two-a-day tan session. Yippee!
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